Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Voltaires: An Explanation

My poor sweet readers. I cannot offer an excuse, or even much of an explanation, but I submit to you an apology, and a letter of gratitude. My previous post was meant to expound on all the things I learned in my Croissant-making class on Saturday, but I also wanted to share with you some wisdom gleaned from reading Voltaire's Candide, and I wanted to capture the essence of joviality which Voltaire did so well in his work. What happened, I'm afraid, is some confusion between a Voltaire and a French Dr. Seuss. I got into a character, and could not find my way out
until I had finished the recipe and was exhausted. At several points in my writing, I tried to remove myself from the character that was asserting himself more and more strongly, but I continued to find myself simultaneously drawn to seeing it through, to meeting the challenge of writing in rhymes, and hoping to maintain some level of philosophy. I think I may have failed on that last, though I vow to return to the wisdom of Candide in, perhaps, a later post.

Until then, my dear, dear, readers, I thank you for following me on this one.

A bientôt!

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